Thursday, July 17, 2008


Well, as sad as it is my husband's mother, my second mother, had to move out of the rental she has been living in across the street from us to a new place. She is like my second mother. However, the owner needed his house back and so we had no choice. So yesterday, today and probably for weeks to come we our moving. Everything is at the new place and tonight will be her first sleeping night there but the unpacking really begins tomorrow. She is 83 so change is hard so please pray for her; in fact I think change is hard for my husband who would spend time time with her is hard if not harder. Please keep us all in your prayers and good thoughts as this process proceeds.

1 comment:

Faithful Froggers said...

Praying for your mother-in-law and hoping the move goes smoothly!

She looks fantastic for 83 - just beautiful!