Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year!
A New Year has dawned and this little face, our granddaughter, is what makes us know that life and families continue on. My father would have been so excited and proud to have this little girl around -- to bad he didn't live to see her.
Well, the holidays are over and it was nice. We spent time with family and friends and spent time away from work. However, then it hits you and you have to get back with it. I found it really hard to get back into my regular schedule again but I did.
Tomorrow I am going to head to work on foot again since my excerise this past month has been substituted with feeling sorry for myself, eating all the foods I stopped eating for months and just doing nothing. So as hard as it will be it will be good to get into a routine again. Routine that is what makes me feel better.
Please keep all my friends and family who have lost loved ones close to your hearts as they begin a new year hopefully filled with good memories and new adventure.