Sunday, May 31, 2009

What A Week

It has been a fantastic week here. Morgan entered a piece into the Student Juried Art Show and not only was selected to have one of the 27 pieces (out of 100) in the show; she was one of the six pieces selected as Merit Winners. She won $75 and a place in the show. Do try to see it if you get out to WWCC it hangs in the gallery. You can't miss hers it is colorful, bright, and Children's Hands. The piece is titled "Voices."

What an accomplishment for our "Girl." We are so very proud of her.

Then it was Saturday and we celebrated her "Belated Birthday" because everyone, including her, had the horrible flu at the beginning of the month. It was a fun filled night of pizza. salads, pop, beer, wine and cake. Most of all we were joined by people that meant the most to her this year and years past:

Here is Dwain her study partner in History Winter Quarter. They not only became GREAT study partners but lifelong friends as well. Dwain brought and introduced us all to his spouse Kelly. I feel like they are two people that no matter where life sends us all, we will keep in touch.

Jena Peitersen was there . Jim teaches History at the college and our family became connected with him and Jill when they married. Then came along little Jena who Morgan held in the hospital when she was about 5 hrs. old and the bond has been there every since. Morgan wouldn't let anything bad happen to that girl. It might not be biological but Jena has a big sister for life.

Two of the people who have made Morgan's year in Art successful. Elizabeth Harris has taught Morgan many more hours than she has been paid for and developed a bond that happens seldom in Education -- one that will last many years beyond Morgan's time at WWCC. Nanqi You has given Morgan so much Love and Support in her Art, in her journey of English 102 on Line and as an example of being a genuinely kind person. Thank you to both of you.
Morgan's good friend Hannah. They have been friends since Middle School. Now Hannah and Morgan attend the Running Start Program together at WWCC. They are the "best" of friends. It is cool. Yes Hannah "Holy Shit" Morgan is 18 -- my thoughts exactly.

This is Kurt and Claira. Kurt is married to Susan (the photo taker and she is not pictured any where). and Claira is married to Rick who is not pictured. Susan and Kurt have been in Morgan's life since age 7 and are known as her second set of parents. They have been the best of support to her, her whole life through. Claira is married to Rick and they live in Waitsburg and we became aquainted with them many many years ago because Rick worked with Tom up until Dec. at the college. They are great friends.

Morgan had so many great friends there: Jim, Jill and Jenna Peitersen, Curtis Phillips, Jan Kruper, Dwine and Kelly, Susan and Kurt, Nanqi and Steve, Elizabeth and Hans, Rick and Claira, Hannah and her mother Debra Wright, Grandma Bunny -- it was a great party and just what Morgan wanted a mix of all the people she has known and supported her throughout her 18 years and they were there, they had great time and they blessed her abundantly. What more could you ask for.

Great job and much love to our baby girl!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Morgan Is 18

May 5, 1991 Our Daughter Is Born

Tom and I were married in May of 1989 and I brought into that marriage a daughter, Heather, who was the apple of our eye. After one year of marriage it was obvious we wanted another child to complete our family. We were both in our early 30's and getting pregnant was not easy for me. Within a years time we lost six babies to miscarriage and were about to call it quits. Much to our surprise I conceived an was able to carry to full term and from that came our beautiful daughter Morgan. This was the first baby on Tom's side of the family for at least 10 years and something my family never thought would happen again. So it was exciting.
We have enjoyed every minute of her growing up from a tiny little baby, 6lbs. 5 ozs (19 inches long) to a beautiful young woman. From the time she was our newborn to today she will always be our princess.
She joined a sister who could hardly wait for her to be born! I never had a sister so I was so excited when it was a girl!

She was Grandpa Lou's girl! He was always partial to girls but this girl was the apple of his eye. If he was under control he would never have chosen to die the day before her birthday 4 years ago. She has great memories of him though because he was the kind of Grandpa that went out of his way to make those memories. From the time she started taking spelling tests in 1st grade till she stopped taking them he would send her a ribbon each week in the mail to congratulate her on her spelling grade (she still has those ribbons).

This year she left the high school as a junior and started the Running Start Program. She has done so well and maintains a almost perfect GPA in college level courses. More than that she has taken great love to Art and has achieved so much. This summer she will be teaching a painting class at Kids College. Morgan you have made us proud. Here are a few of her pieces.

Here are just a few fun pictures:

So Morgan know that these 18 years you have made Daddy and I so proud and we love you with all our hearts. You have made us proud and although we tease you alot we can't imagine the day you pack your stuff and hit the road to a life we have prepared you for but one we never thought would come.
Happy 18th Birthday Baby Girl!

Friday, May 01, 2009

A Daughter's Heart

On Monday May 4th will mark four years since my dad left this earth for what people say is a better place. It doesn't seem possible that it has been that long; it makes you want to shout out to someone who might listen to make time stop. Maybe just replay the last week, the last moment, the last touch, the last I love you forever just one more time. When your in the moment you can't imagine the one year later, the two years later, the three years later and now the four years later. You just wish you had that last chance to reach out and touch that person. Sometimes the feelings are so intense and I remember people saying "it gets better each day." I'm sorry it might get more comfortable but it doesn't get easier and it doesn't get better.
Sometimes I feel selfish for feeling this way because I know people who lost spouses, who lost children, whose children had their fathers for such a short time but I don't feel selfish, I still wish he was here and I don't think it is right. My heart bleeds deeper for those people than it did before I lost my own father, that is for sure. He was the glue for our family and sometimes I just wish him back here to glue us together again. We are making it but somehow not as good as it was before, not as strong as it was before.

He was my best friend in the whole world and when I was sad I could call him and he could make me smile, when I was sick I could call him and he would make me feel better, when I was happy I could call him and he would share that with me, he was my dad and now somehow he is not.

May 1st comes and for me it is a sad season and somehow I think that is so wrong. My youngest daughter celebrates her birthday now "the day after grandpa died." How is that fair? She turns 18 this year, she is doing Running Start, she is teaching Kids College "Painting Class" all things he would be so proud of. He never got to meet his great granddaughter "Ciara" which he would have loved. His eldest daughter has been very successful in her Nursing Career and Grandpa never got to see those things. It breaks my heart.

Michelle, I know you read this blog and I am so sorry because I feel this way and your pain is so great; the loss of a husband and father to three children here on earth and one by his side in heaven. I love you and although I don't know your pain I feel it deeply. Please know that.

Another May will come and go.

I love you Daddy; I love you so much and miss you so very much.