Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Well, this is what brings a smile to my face -- my one and only granddaughter, Ciara. I miss her and wish she lived closer to us but am always glad to see pictures of her.
These days as I wrote before are full with trying to get in a better state of health.
A bit of an update is that I completed my 5th day of walking to work; I try to walk on T,W,Th and during the rest of the week Tom and I take a 30 minute walk in the afternoon when I get home. I have been taking my Blood Pressure Pills every single day. Now the sleeping let me tell you; I am taking those special pills on Friday and Saturday evenings and they really let me get about 6 good hours of sleep which I am very appreciative of. However, they kind of make me feel a bit too groggy to take them in the week when I have to work the next day. I like to be at the top of my game and I fear I would not be if I took them. So sleep is better but not great. So I will continue to work on that. I will return to see Dr. Sophia in a few weeks and I am sure my Blood Pressure will be better. However, I will keep trudging along and hope to be a healthier person.
I continue to be amazed at how much I still miss my dad. This morning on the way to work my friend and I were talking about things and all of a sudden I said "when my mom passes" and I just sobbed uncontrolably at the throught" it really came out of no where. It hurts so bad and it doesn't want to get better I guess. One of my bestest friends sent me this just last week and I want to end with it:

Here is the quote I was telling you about. It is from
a book titled "Raising Cole". It is written by Marc
who lost his 21 year old son in an automobile accident.
He writes about his grief:

"How we handle pain determines whom we become.
For me there was only one approach: Meet the pain
head on. Don't duck it. Embrace it. Drown in it. Let
it smother you until you can smother it. Coping with
death, to me, is all about remembering love. I don't
worry about the pain. I'll worry if I ever stop feeling
the pain."

For me, that was powerful and beautifully expressed.
It gives me the freedom to embrace the pain and tears
and never wish them gone.
Love Always, Connie

I leave you with this and thank Connie for sharing it. . . . . .


Anonymous said...

Sue I am glad things are looking up for you. Your doing the right thing I think, taking one step at a time. Walking three days a week to work is more than you were doing before. Taking the sleeping aid two nights is better than none. It will all come together soon. Our health issues did not come in one week and they won't leave (as much as we want them to) in one week. I won't go into how it feels to loose both parents but what I hope for you is your able to deal with the death of your father before you have to deal with your mom's. I can say from experience it is not easy. That is when reality hit me head on.
Good luck with your new efforts and keep up the good work. You seem to have some very special friends who are helping you along.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome precious friend.
Ciara is beautiful and so very blessed to have you as her grandma!
One of my students shared about their grandma last night in their
"Someone I Love" speeches...such an
incredible role she played in her life...just like you will for Ciara. I love you dearly.

Unknown said...

Sue...wow! You're doing such a good job!

Ciara is absolutely beautiful. I bet she warms your heart every time you think of her.

I love that quote. I have often said that the depth of our grief is but a reflection of the depth of our love. Our pain honors the caring we shared.

Many hugs, Shell

Laura said...

Sue, You are so wonderful! Thank you for all of the heartwarming comments you leave. It is such a blessing for us to have a great support system. I have to tell you, I am a fellow Washitonian and Heather and Adam are Oregonians; we love hearing from fellow northwesterners. I'm looking forward to heading back to Renton for thanksgiving (my dad lives there). Someday we should meet up!

Keeping you in my prayers as well,
